All books in that edition were from Tallandier, as far as I can tell. Edition was called „Narodna Biblioteka“ (Public Library). Publisher was called „Male Novine“ (Small Press). I have 32 books out of total 50 books, published from 1928 until 1932. Most of the time they were published every 15 days, but there were some delays. As I said, this was real pulp fiction, so most of the books that I have are in pretty bad condition, except those that some good soul put in hard cover, keeping original picture on the front. I’ve tried to check translations and they are not the best ones, particularly when some technical issues are concerned. For example, I’ve checked Paul d’Ivoi’s book
Le Bolide de Lavarède where in original there are drawings of air ship, and in translation there are none.
Regarding Louis Boussenard, I’ve found four novels by him:
I have books no.15 and 27, but could not been able to identify them. I will try to attach the covers. Maybe you can help.
12. Louis Boussenard: Sultan od Bornea (probably: Le sultan de Bornéo), 1928
15. Louis Boussenard: Pod žarkim nebom, 1928.
27. Louis Boussenard: Grbavi vitez, 1929.
38. Louis Boussenard: Bengalski davitelji, 1930
No. 12 is probably Le sultan de Bornéo, and translation in English of No.38 is Bengal Stranglers – no idea what it could be.
Full list of novels in that editions is given below. Some of the books I’ve managed to identify.
1. Salgari: Misterije crne džungle (probably: Les mystères de la jungle noire)
2. Paul Dancray: Tajanstveni grad Watahah (Watahah la mystérieuse), 1928
3. René Thèvenin: Ogrlica gvozdenog idola (Le collier de l'idole de fer), 1928
4. Paul d’Ivoi: Gospodari groma, 1928
5. Maurice Champagne: Tajne okeanskih dubina, 1928
6. Paul d’Ivoi : Plavi otrov (probably: Le Poison bleu), 1928
7. Maurice Champagne: Ludakova osveta, 1928
8. Salgari: Na pustom ostrvu, 1928
9. G. Ch. Richard: U pomrčini crne Indije, 1928
10. Capitaine Mayne-Reid: Gaspar gočo (probably: Gaspar le gaucho), 1928
11. H. J. Magog : Žuti demon, 1928
12. Louis Boussenad : Sultan od Bornea (probably: Le sultan de Bornéo), 1928
13. Capitaine Mayne-Reid: U meksikanskim brdima, 1928
14. Leon Groc: Podzemni svijet (La cité des ténèbres), 1928
15. Louis Boussenard: Pod žarkim nebom, 1928.
16. Paul d’Ivoi: Neobična oporuka (Les Cinq sous de Lavarède), 1928.
17. Salgari: Lav od Damaska (Le Lion de Damas), 1928
18. Paul d’Ivoi: Drugovi bijelog lotusa (Les Compagnons du Lotus blanc), 1928
19. Paul d’Ivoi: Kapetan Nilia (Le capitaine Nilia), 1928
20. Paul d’Ivoi: Kapetanova tajna (Le secret de Nilia), 1928
21. Paul d’Ivoi: Diamanti boga Ozirisa (Le Diamant d’Osiris), 1928.
22. Paul d’Ivoi: Put kroz oblake (Le Bolide de Lavarède), 1929
23. Paul d’Ivoi: Ukrotitelji zlata, 1929
24. Paul d’Ivoi: Nevidljivi neprijatelj, 1929
25. Paul Dancray: Borba za milione, 1929
26. Comt: de Wailly: Kralj nepoznatog, 1929
27. Louis Boussenard: Grbavi vitez, 1929
28. G. la Faure: Gusari zlatne zemlje
29. Comt de Wailly: Misteriozni svijet, 1929
30. Albert Bonneau: Gusarski vođa, 1929
31. T. Clairsange: Pod okriljem smrti
32. René Thèvenin: Misteriozni stanovnik džungle, 1930
33. Emilio Salgari: Dragulj crvene rijeke, 1930.
34. Petithugenin: Afričke misterije, 1930
35. E. Salgari: Strahote moreuza Torez, 1930
36. Maurice Champagne: Jogijeva tajna, 1930
37. Georges Sim: Bič Pacifika, 1930
38. Louis Boussenard: Bengalski davitelji (Les étrangleurs du Bengale), 1930
39. Leon Lambry: Hodočasnik Gangesa, 1930
40. Maurice Mario: Zlatna pagoda (La pagode d'or), 1930
41. Captaine Mayne-Reid: U ropstvu Mormona, 1931.
42. Paul Dancray: Gospodari Himalaja (Les Maîtres de l'Himalaya), 1931
43. Capitaine Mayne-Reid: Bijeli poglavica, 1931
44. Paul d’Ivoi: Inkin zavjet (Le Voeu des Incas), 1931
45. Capitaine Mayne-Reid: Zalutale planine (La montagne perdue), 1931
46. Unsigned: Protiv svoje volje, 1932
47. Maurice Mario: Deniza – Vračeva kći (Denise la fille du sorcier), 1932
48. George Le Faure: U mreži zlatnog pauka, 1932
49. ?: Žuti gusari ili žrec koji prinosi žrtve, 1932
50. Georges le Faure: Ploveće ostrvo, 1932