Son roman "l'appel de la morte" (A ne pas lire la nuit n°72 roman policier 1935| Editions de France) a fait l'objet d'une étude outre-manche.
A literary criticism of the detective novel "L'Appel De La Morte" by Camille Hedwige is presented. It examines the style and its distinctive genre identity in terms of its formal narrative structures. It explores how the text evokes the genre's implicit sexual politics and Hedwige's interpretation of the social-political implications of the genre. It explains the use of an amateur female detective to emphasize the role of women both in the novel and society.
Elle a écrit aussi "Le Mystère de la 6226. R.F. 3" (A ne pas lire la nuit n°51 roman policier 1934| Editions de France).
Est-elle Marie Camille Hedwige Chabannes-Curton-La Palice, (1895-1984) qui ecrivit quelques romans de 1938 à 1953?