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 From the Penny Dreadful to the Ha'Penny Dreadfuller

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Jean François Le Deist
Jean François Le Deist

Nombre de messages : 5072
Age : 67
Localisation : Morbihan
Date d'inscription : 06/06/2006

From the Penny Dreadful to the Ha'Penny Dreadfuller Empty
MessageSujet: From the Penny Dreadful to the Ha'Penny Dreadfuller   From the Penny Dreadful to the Ha'Penny Dreadfuller EmptyMer 1 Mai - 10:20

Je recopie ici un message reçu sur la liste "Blood & Dime Novels" :

Citation :
Can I crave your indulgence and promote a new book - "FROM THE PENNY DREADFUL TO THE HA'PENNY DREADFULLER - A BIBLIOGRAPHIC HISTORY OF THE BOYS' PERIODICAL IN BRITAIN 1762-1950", and has just been published by the British Library in the UK and Oak Knoll Press in the USA.

I think it's true to say that it's the first time the full history of the British boys' periodical has been told. It's very long - 576 pages - and well-illustrated, with around 100 black & white illustrations in the text plus a 16 page spread of colour plates. To give you a full picture of its scope, this is the contents page:

1. From Virtue to Villainy - Early Juvenile Periodicals and Penny Bloods
2. Instructing the Middle Classes - Periodicals for Boys, 1800-1870
3. The Story Paper Defined - Edwin J. Brett
4. Bitter Rivalry - The Emmett Brothers and Charles Fox
5. Friendly Rivalry - Ralph Rollington, Guy Rayner and William Lucas
6. From Plagiarism to Pulps - American Story Papers, the Dime Novel, and the Aldine Publishing Company
7. Usurping the Dreadful - Early Counterattacks, the "Boys' Own Paper", "Young England" and "Chums"
8. Fishing for Scraps - Other Publishers and Boys' Papers, 1870-1900
9. Top of the Form - Public School Periodicals, George Newnes and the "Captain"
10. Cheap as "Chips" - Alfred Harmsworth and the Amalgamated Press
11. Monopoly Denied - Harmsworth's Competitors and Other Boys' Papers, 1900-1950
Appendix 1 - Alphabetical Checklist of Boys' Periodicals 1762-1950
Appendix 2 - Chronology of Boys' Periodicals 1762-1950
Appendix 3 - Checklist of Juvenile Periodicals 1751-1900
Index of titles
Index of names

The checklist gives publication details of around 600 titles - far more than has ever been listed in the past.

There's a lot of new information, about authors, editors and publishers, and about the periodicals themselves, which has never been published before, or which has been published but has had a limited audience.

Oh, I suppose I should point out that I am, dear reader, the author.

Robert Kirkpatrick

et le lien vers la boutique de la British Library :

il est toujours noté "out of stock", mais je pense que c'est dû au fait qu'il est annoncé pour le 25 avril 2013 et le site de la BL pas mis à jour.

Ceux qui veulent passer par un site de VPC bien connu commençant par A et finissant par n ( pas trop en odeur de sainteté ces temps-ci ) n'ont pas de frais de port à payer.

"Par suite des pluies, les Bries, les Coulommiers et les Livarots ont éprouvé une forte baisse"
( Halles Centrales de Paris, janvier 1885 )
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